The Non-Fiction Adventures of a girl who tried to be more than what she was taught was supposed to be her place. Story One. Brenda My Thoughts, Writing April 2, 2022
“Design is” Typography Posters Brenda Illustration, Layout, Projects, Quotes, Typography November 3, 2017
How to disagree without sounding like a jerk. Brenda Branding, Illustration, Logo Design, My Thoughts, Painting, Photography, Printing, Projects, Quotes, Resources, Typography, Writing November 11, 2016
You’re a small business or an entrepreneur. Why do you need a brand? Brenda Branding, Logo Design, My Thoughts, Quotes, Resources, Writing August 29, 2016
Our nature is to DO. (Don’t make excuses and DO IT!) Brenda For Fun, My Thoughts, Quotes, Writing August 6, 2016
Building relationships and starting projects. Brenda Projects, Quotes, Resources, Uncategorized, Writing June 28, 2016
which one is your favorite?